You’re considering getting having a dental implant procedure done and now you want more information. You’ve come to the right place! At Dr. Gail McLaurin DMD, Atlanta periodontics specialist, we specialize in state of the art dentistry and have extensive education about, and experience with, dental implant surgery. At your initial consultation we will thoroughly discuss your oral health and determine a course of treatment for restoration to a healthy mouth. We will educate you on the procedure and your options, including payment plan. Dental implants are a lifetime investment in your dental health and your physical health.
We can secure a dental implant either into or on the bone. The implant is usually made of titanium steel. Think of it as an artificial root, to replace the tooth root you have lost. After surgery, a crown is mounted onto the dental implant. This new tooth will fit in your mouth, and function fully for the tooth that is missing.
Good news – if you are missing several teeth, we will secure multiple dental implants. Then, we will mount a bridge on them, replacing all of the missing teeth. This bridge will be permanent and secure and function fully for the teeth that are missing. This will also prevent healthy teeth from moving, and protect bone and gum health.
Even if all of your teeth are missing, we can give you a dental implant-supported permanent bridge and even permanent dentures that will function like your healthy teeth did while maintaining your oral health and protecting bone and gums.
Sometimes I see a potential problem in a patient who has insufficient bone quantity and quality. This happens most often in the upper jaw, at the back, or with severe periodontal disease. This can put the implant to close to the sinus cavity. At Atlanta Periodontics we can build up bone and raise the sinus floor to correct this problem. Successful implants require sufficient bone quality and quantity. More than 95% of all dental implants are successful, so we take extra care to ensure that the mouth environment is optimum for success.
In extreme cases, we can build up the bone when there are deformities in the upper or lower jaw bone. This ridge modification results in a successful implant, and improves the patient’s facial appearance by adding needed structure.
Just like your healthy teeth, your dental implant teeth require conscientious care. You’ll want to make sure that you brush twice a day, and floss at night. You’ll need regular professional cleanings and checkups. Remember, dental implant teeth act like your healthy teeth and need to be maintained clean and free of plaque! After the implant surgery, we’ll schedule periodic follow-up visits to monitor your implant, teeth, mouth and gums to make sure they are healthy.
If you are in need of dental services, please call my office today to schedule a consultation, 404-255-9511.
Email me,, with your questions or concerns about dental health for children and adults.