Burning mouth syndrome can be painful, annoying and frustrating for many people that are experiencing it. When it occurs, a person may feel that the entire mouth is burning or on fire. This typically affects the tongue, roof of the mouth, gums and inner cheeks. Although it is a rare condition, it does happen to people often.
While there aren’t any known causes of burning mouth syndrome, that doesn’t change the fact that it is painful and people want to know how they can treat it or at least remedy it. Because doctors aren’t able to tell why it’s happening, people are constantly searching for ways to cure their symptoms.
Today, we will discuss a few ways that a person can cure their pain from burning mouth syndrome. Even though it may not cure it, these will surely help relieve some of the discomforts that come along with it.
Burning mouth syndrome: What you can do
Saliva replacement products
There are rinses and sprays that exist in order to help increase saliva flow. These products help replace the natural saliva that may be causing the burning throughout the mouth. Rinses and sprays can often be found at a drug store or a doctor can prescribe them if a stronger dosage is necessary.
Oral rinses
There are certain mouthwashes or rinses that a person can use each day to help with the mouth burning. A medical professional can prescribe a rinse that has stronger ingredients in it to cleanse the mouth of anything harmful that might be causing the mouth to burn. These oral rinses or mouthwashes can help a person fight off any bacteria that might be hurting the mouth. Rinsing can also help someone feel relief from the burning mouth if the prescribed mouthwash contains menthol or mint ingredients.
Pain relievers
Pain relievers that soothe the mouth can significantly help a person that might be feeling pain from the burning mouth. There are a few pain relievers that are given to people who consume hot peppers or chili peppers. Because burning mouth syndrome often feels similar to the aftermath of consuming peppers, capsaicin is often prescribed to help.
Burning mouth syndrome is never enjoyable for someone to experience. They can feel a lot of pain and discomfort in all parts of the mouth when this occurs. While the causes still remain unknown, it is helpful to know what ways to remedy the burning mouth — even if it is temporary. Although one should always talk with their medical doctor about their burning mouth, it is likely that they will prescribe a rinse or product that helps increase saliva flow.
If you have questions about burning mouth syndrome and how it can be cured then reach out to our office today. We have trained professionals who can help walk you through ways to remedy your pain. Give us a call or stop in today!